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  • When will my refund be made?
    The refund of the product you canceled may vary depending on your bank. This period may take approximately 1 week. The refund process for the product you returned is as follows; • After the product reaches the seller, its compliance with the return conditions is checked within 48 hours at the latest. • If the product meets the return conditions, your return will be approved and your refund will be reflected on your payment card within 2-10 business days, depending on your bank. • If the product does not meet the return conditions, it will be sent back to your address. Note: • When a refund is made to your bank, an information message will be sent to your membership e-mail address. The time it takes for the amount to be reflected on your card/account depends on your bank. • Refunds made to a debit card take longer to reflect in your account. • To check your refund from your bank, you can view your reference number from “My Account” > “My Orders”. • The cost of purchases made in installments is paid to the bank all at once, but your bank refunds this amount to your credit card in installments.
  • If I cancel or return an order for which I benefited from the campaign, will the campaign be cancelled?
    • If the campaign conditions continue to be met despite cancellation or refund, the campaign will not be cancelled. • If the products remaining in the order after cancellation or return are not sufficient to meet the campaign conditions, the refund will be made by deducting the discount amount from the campaign for the canceled or returned products.
  • How can I cancel my order?
    If you ordered the wrong product or changed your mind, you can easily cancel it as follows, before the shipping preparations for your products begin. By following the steps “My Orders” > “Details/Order Detail” > “Cancel Order”. By clicking "Connect to Live Help" from the "Help" step in the "My Account" section and selecting "Cancellation and Refund" on the page that opens. If your products have started to be prepared for shipping (your invoice has been issued) or have been shipped, they cannot be canceled. In this case, you can return the product when you receive it. TIP: Refund transactions are completed within 2 business days. You will be notified via email when your return is completed and returned to your bank.
  • When will my order arrive?
    • The products you purchase will be delivered within the delivery date range specified on the My Account->My Orders->Order Details page. • If the product has a "Fast Delivery" label, your order will be shipped on the next business day at the latest. If there is a "Shipping Today" label, your order will be shipped on the same day. • When the order is delivered, you will be notified via SMS by the cargo company.
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